Copyright and Entertainment Law

Freitas & Almeida realizes how challenging it is for artists to manage the copyright of their own work; it requires a great deal of effort and specialized knowledge. The amount of time artists would need to invest to solve copyright problems and related issues takes them away from their actual job: to create.

Areas of expertise:


We know it takes specialized expertise to manage the copyright of artistic works, and other rights pertaining to the work of accompanying musicians, performers and music producers, either in the physical or digital realm. Freitas & Almeida can assist you with the following services:

  • Advise and consultation services in preventive analysis and the negotiation of national and/or international contracts for any activities developed by writers, editors, music producers, artists and performers (musicians and others).
  • Administrative and judicial litigation arising from contractual breaches and unauthorized reproductions of work (counterfeiting).
  • Judicial or extrajudicial inventory in case of death and regularization of the status of heirs with Copyright Associations.
  • Representation of artists and managing their image and creations.
  • Administration of creations and musical production, organization of the artist’s collection, its copyright and any associated rights.
  • Registration of artists and their respective works and music production with ECAD (Brazilian Copyright Collection Agency) and similar associations abroad.
  • Regularization of a previous registration with ECAD and similar associations abroad.
  • Release of funds held by associations to which the artist belongs.
  • Create ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) for audio or video production.
  • Compliance with existing or pending requirements for artistic work and/or music production
  • Review of cue sheets (film sound tracks) and collection of fees for synchronization rights for TV, cinema, Internet, among others.
  • Assessment of any funds owed by publishers and record companies.
  • Authorization for synchronization, recording and others.


Freitas & Almeida can assist audiovisual content producers with their rights as well as provide consultation services and legal support to actors and directors, writers and all those involved in audiovisual production:

  • Negotiation of works, musical production and images for synchronization.
  • Registration of audiovisual works with the relevant entities.
  • Regularization of previous registration.
  • Create ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) for audio and/or video production
  • Compliance with existing or pending requirements for audiovisual work
  • Adaptation of foreign work for the purpose of regularization by ANCINE (Brazil’s National Film Agency).
  • Collection of fees for synchronization rights for TV, cinema and other audiovisual products.
  • Authorization and licensing of audiovisual works.



Freitas & Almeida offers customized consulting services and legal assistance to authors and literary publishers.


Visual Arts

Freitas & Almeida offers customized consultating services and legal assistance to visual artists and others in the field of visual arts.


Performing Arts

Freitas & Almeida offers consultating services and legal assistance with the administration and release of literary works for theatrical production, and any matters associated with the performance rights and the right of publicity for actors, as well as contracts signed by the theatrical producer and the authors of the literary text.



Freitas & Almeida offers consultation services and legal assistance for the administration of photographic works, copyright of images, as well as any assistance regarding contracts and releases signed between the photographer and the subject/model.

